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Position's interview with Prof. Li Linxue,:"Three Fulcrums of New Architecture Innovation:Thermodynamic, Digital and Materialism."
将“知识生产”与“建筑生产”贯通起来,是一个基本的想法。“知识生产”为“建筑生产”提供历史与未来的关照,“建筑生产”将“知识生产”最大化加以转化;“知识生产”应该走的更远,“建筑生产”则更贴近系统建构和本土。这是我自己团队的路线图。 The basic idea is to combine "Knowledge Production"together with "Architecture Production"."Knowledge Production" provides historical and future care for"Architecture Production"; "Architecture Production" transforms Knowledge Production to the utmost extent;"Knowledge Production"should go further while "Architecture Production"is closer to the systematic construction and native. This is my team\'sworking roadmap.