威尼斯建筑学院IUAV 2013年建筑工作营指导教授
Prof. Li Linxue has been invited as tutor of architecture design workshop at Venice School of Architecture
李麟学与近30位国际知名的建筑师应邀作为指导教授,每个设计团队针对威尼斯近郊最大的工业废弃区Marghera 地区的城市再生进行不同角度的研究,提出具有创见的设计思路,并通过多样化的参观-讲座-竞赛,促进国际层面活跃的教学与学术交流。 Prof. Li Linxue works as a tutor with nearly 30 internationally renowned architects.Every group did the urban regenerationresearch of the Venicesuburb’s largest industrial waste area——Margheraareafrom different anglesin order to propose thoughtful design ideas.The sponsorpromoted the teachingandacademic exchangeat the international levelthrough a variety of Visit - Lecture – Competition.