

L+ is a team for architectural practice, academic research and frontier creation basing on TJAD/ Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.. L+ has three interactive institutions which share the concept of Research Based Architectural Practice and the theory of Nature Based System. ATELIER L+ is a platform for professional practice at the international frontier of architecture. SOCIOECO LAB is a platform for innovative experiment that concentrates on global social ecological issues, and CETA/Center for Energy & Thermodynamic Architecture is a platform for interdisciplinary researches focusing on energy formation and thermodynamic architecture.

麟和建筑工作室ATELIER L+

创设于2000年的麟和建筑工作室ATELIER L+,充分关注中国独特城市化背景下的建筑实践前沿,致力于当代中国建筑的复合尺度建造与范式革新,以“批判性介入”策略推动基于现实的先端建筑实践。“自然系统建构”使麟和建筑工作室获得明确的理论定位与话语关注:基于地域气候与自然要素的响应,建构当代建筑本体系统,建筑师称之为“响应的本体论”。这一本体论涉及了“社会-自然-城市-建筑”系统之间复杂关系的建构,朝向一个“人工自然系统”的建筑目标,是对于“本体系统(功能-空间-建构)/自然系统(能量-物质-环境)/社会系统(现实-策略-运作)”的创造性整合。麟和建筑设计实践的关键话语包括:消隐与虚空,群簇与架构,项目与巨构,垂直与密度,尺度与感知,漫游与场地,能量与气候,性能与生成,物质与建构,系统与操控。高度的研究性与实践性构成了麟和建筑设计实践的基本特征。研究,决定了建筑师需要对社会和专业保持高度的敏锐,需要保持批判性思考与策略性介入,需要创造性地回应项目背景与现实需求,需要在建筑外在条件和内在逻辑的探求中寻找答案,需要开放的视野、前瞻性与组织策略。实践,决定了建筑师需要高度专业的知识体系与职业经验,需要各专业工程师磨合而成的高水平团队,需要建筑师与业主、咨询机构、承建商、政府机构与公众等的良好沟通,需要建筑师对于细节、材料、工艺、工地与生产等环节的全过程设计与系统掌控。超过十五年的建筑设计实践中,麟和建筑工作室成为中国当代建筑多样化背景下的活跃团队,工作室建成或在建公共建筑作品三十余项,包括城市建筑地标、城市更新、以及类型众多的文化、教育、办公、体育、酒店、综合体与超高层等建筑群落。高水准建成作品的持续实现,使麟和建筑工作室获得优秀的专业声誉与众多国内外重要奖项。同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司与同济大学建筑与城市规划学院为麟和建筑工作室提供了强大技术与学术支撑,与哈佛大学建筑设计研究生院GSD、西班牙大师事务所AS+等国际机构的学术与实践合作,为麟和建筑工作室提供了国际化平台。

Founded in year 2000 and focusing on the frontier of architectural practice on the background of China’s characteristic urbanization ,ATELIER L+ has ever since devoted itself to the construction at various scales and the innovation of paradigm for Chinese contemporary architecture. It has created works in the vanguard based on reality with the strategy of Critical Intervention. ATELIER L+ has achieved explicit theoretical definition and discourse through Construction of Nature Based System which constructs the ontological system based on responses to the local climate and natural elements. It is called Responsive Ontology by the architects. The ontology involves complex relations among society, nature, city and architecture. It aims at an artificial natural system. It’s the creative integration of ontological system (function, space and tectonic), natural system (energy, matter and environment), and social system (reality, strategy and operation). The key discourses for the practice of ATELIER L+ includes Void and Vanishing, Conglomerate and Frame, Program and Mega-structure, Verticalism and Density, Scale and Perception, Promenade and Site, Energy and Climate, Performance and Generativity, Matter and Tectonic, System and peration. The practice of ATELIER L+ includes researching and architectural practicing.Research leads to a heightened sensitivity to the society and the architectural profession. It looks for critical thinking and strategic intervention. Research helps to seek solutions between the external circumstance and the internal logic. Research also requires a broadened horizon view, a forward-looking perspective and a management strategy. Practice requires a developed professional knowledge system and rich experience of practice. Construction requires the integration of different kinds of engineering concepts, as well as good communication between architects, clients, consultants, contractors, the government and the public. Construction requires the architect to get a comprehensive and systematic control of details, materials, the construction site and the production process etc.ATELIER L+ has become an active architecture team during the15 years’ practice with dynamic contemporary China as its back drop .There are more than 30 public projects that have been constructed or under construction, including city landmark, urban regeneration and various types of architectures such as culture, education, office, sports, complex, sky-scrapers and so on. ATELIER L+ has established a great professional fame and achieved various significant international or national awards through the sustainable realization of works of high quality. TJAD/Tong ji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd. and CAUP/ College of Architecture and the Urban Planning of Tong ji University have provided strong technical and academic support for ATELIER L+. It has remained an international platform through collaboration of academic study and practice with Graduate School of Design of Harvard University, the famous Spanish firm Abalos + Sentkiewicz and other international institutions.


中国建筑学会青年建筑师奖(中国青年建筑师最高荣誉,李麟学 ,2006

上海青年建筑师新秀奖李麟学 ,2006




上海市建筑学会第六届建筑创作奖佳作奖 (中国商业与贸易博物馆、义乌市美术馆,2015)

















“Young Architect Award” (Architectural Society of China,Li Linxue, 2006)

Shanghai Young Architect “Best Rookie Award” (Li Linxue, 2006)

2013 Best Tall building Morminee Asia & Australasia Region (Civic Center of Hangzhou, CTBUH2013)

Silver Price, Chinese Design Award 2013/Architecture Creation (Sichuan International Tennis Center2013)

1st Prize of The Ministry of Education Architecture Awards (Sichuan International Tennis Center2013 )

Honorable Mentionthe sixth Architectural Creation Awards by the Architectural Society of Shanghai (China Trade Museum and Yiwu Art Museum,2015)

Honorable Mention,The fifth Architecture Creation Award by the Architectural Society of Shanghai Visitor Center of Ecological Tourism Area at Delta of Yellow River2013

The Public Building Third Prize of National excellent Exploration&Design Trade AwardVisitor Center of Ecological Tourism Area at Delta of Yellow River2013

Honorable Mention,The sixth Architecture Creation Award by the Architectural Society of China Visitor Center of Ecological Tourism Area at Delta of Yellow River2013

Honorable Mention, The sixth Architectural Creation Awards by Architectural Society of China (B-3 Exhibition Halls in Urban Best Practice Area, World Expo 2010 Shanghai, 2011)

1st Prize, Shanghai Outstanding Project Design Award 2011 (B-3 Exhibition Halls in Urban Best Practice Area, World Expo 2010 Shanghai, 2011)

3rd Prize, Shanghai Outstanding Project Design Award 2011 (Yanfu Hotel Relocation Project in Yancheng2011)

The Third Prize of Excellent design in Shanghai’s aid to Dujiangyan Reconstruction Project

(‘ONE BLOCK’ in Dujiangyan Reconstruction after Earthquake,2010)

Excellent Award, The third Architectural Creation Awards by Architectural Society of Shanghai/Housing (‘ONE BLOCK’ in Dujiangyan Reconstruction after Earthquake2009)

Honorable Mention of The Public Building, The third Architecture Creation Award from Architectural Society of Shanghai ChinaVisitor Center of Ecological Tourism Area at Delta of Yellow River2009

Honorable Mention of The Public Building, The third Architecture Creation Award from Architectural Society of Shanghai ChinaB-3 Exhibition Halls in Urban Best Practice Area, World Expo 2010 Shanghai2010

3rd Prize of Construction Engineering,The National excellent Exploration&Design Trade AwardTeaching Complex of Shanghai Open University2009

Honorable Mention,The fifth Architectural Creation Awards by Architectural Society of China

Teaching Complex of Shanghai Open University2008

2ndPrize, the Ministry of Education Architecture Awards 2007 (Teaching Complex of Shanghai Open University2008)

Honorable Mention, the First Architectural Creation Awards by Architectural Society of Shanghai (Teaching Complex of Shanghai Open University, 2006)

1st Prize,Shanghai International Youth Architects Design ExhibitionProject Award(Teaching Complex of Shanghai Open University, 2008)

2nd Prize,Shanghai International Youth Architects Design ExhibitionProject Creation AwardGezhouba Mansion2006




同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授,博士生导师,同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司麟和建筑工作室ATELIER L+ 主持建筑师,国家一级注册建筑师,能量与热力学建筑中心CETA主持人,《时代建筑》专栏主持人,上海市建筑学会建筑创作学术部委员,哈佛大学GSD设计研究生院高级访问学者(2014)。2000年曾入选法国总统交流项目“50位建筑师在法国”(50 ARCHITECTES EN FRANCE),在巴黎建筑学院PARIS-BELLEVILLE学习交流。

主持建成或在建杭州市民中心(2013世界高层建筑学会“世界最佳高层建筑”亚太区提名奖),2010中国上海世博会城市最佳实践区B3馆,四川国际网球中心、黄河口生态旅游区游客服务中心、南开大学津南校区学生活动中心、中国商贸博物馆等多项有影响力的建筑作品。曾获得中国建筑学会“青年建筑师奖”(2006),上海青年建筑师“新秀奖”(2005)等荣誉。曾参加40位小于四十岁的华人建筑师设计作品展(40 under 40 exhibition)、2010中法建筑与城市发展论坛、中国比利时青年建筑师交流上海论坛(Shanghai ARCHITopia Forum)、“从研究到实践”米兰建筑三年展(2012) 、威尼斯建筑学院国际工作室特邀教授(2013)、上海西岸当代建筑与艺术双年展(2013)、深港城市建筑双城双年展(2013)、上海城市空间艺术季城市更新展(2015)等展览、论坛与学术活动。主持国家自然科学基金资助项目“基于生态化模拟的城市高层建筑综合体被动式设计体系研究”、同济大学“能量形式化与热力学前沿理论研究”等重要课题。个人及作品曾入选《中国年轻一代的建筑实践》等专著。基于其“自然系统建构”的建筑哲学与创造性实践,成为中国当代建筑的出色诠释者之一;同时也是国际学术与实践领域热力学建筑与生态高层建筑集群的积极推动者。




1993.9-1996.3, 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院建筑设计及其理论,获得建筑学硕士学位;


2000.9-2001.9   获法国总统项目“50位建筑师在法国”赴法访问一年,在巴黎建筑学PARIS-BELLEVILLE学习交流。

2013.12-2014.12 获哈佛大学设计研究生院高级访问学者,赴美访问一年。

1996.3-2012.12  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院助教,讲师,副教授

2012.12-至今,    同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授,博士生导师

2015.10-至今       同济大学中西学院学术协调人。

1997.4-至今       同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司国家一级注册建筑师;










1.可持续城市住区的理论探讨,建筑学报, 2005年第7期, 2005/7

2.物质性消隐与地域性呈现—四川国际网球中心,建筑学报,2010年第6期, 2010/6

3.透雕—上海青浦实验学校的空间操作 , 建筑学报,2010年第12期,2010/12

4.绿色校园建筑被动式设计实践—三亚城市职业学院设计, 建筑学报,2012年第3期,2010/03                    

5.格局造就意义一四川大学新校区行政楼,时代建筑, 2008/3

6.都市空间叙事中的建筑角色--葛洲坝大厦,时代建筑, 2011/01

7.连绵空间—上海青浦业余体育学校 ,时代建筑,2012/01



10.知识· 话语· 范式--能量与热力学建筑的历史图景及当代前沿,时代建筑,2015.2

11. 客座主编《时代建筑》2015年第3期“形式追随能量——热力学作为建筑设计的引擎”,2015/03

12. 南开大学津南校区学生活动中心,世界建筑,2016/05


14.基于环境应变的绿色住区设计路径解析, 住宅科技, 2011/07

15.社区重建引导下的灾后城镇永久性安居房设计—都江堰市“壹街区”K01地块, 住宅,2011/05

16.气候引导下的地域性建筑创作—以三亚城市职业学院规划建筑设计为例,城市建筑, 2009/06

17.现代性构建与青年建筑师的定位,城市建筑, 2007/12

18.集群文化建筑的设计与运作,城市建筑 ,2012/05

19.建筑设计教学中对于建筑实践体系的关注, 城市建筑, 2012/


21. 新旧并置, 虚实相间--中国2010年上海世博会城市最佳实践区B-3展馆, 建筑技艺, 2010/9

22. 作为能量媒介的材料建构——黄河口游客服务中心夯土实验/建筑技艺,2014.7/

23. 异质风景:杭州建筑,A+U中文版, 2009/4

24. 建筑学教育的挑战, 设计家, 2007/8

25.  2010年上海世博会城市最佳实践区B3