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Design Against Smog:Thermodynamic Methodology for Chinese Architecture
李麟学教授担任主持组织,得到学校与学院领导大力支持。共有来自哈佛大学GSD、斯图加特大学、米兰理工大学、凡尔赛建筑学院、清华大学、东南大学、天津大学等国内外顶尖建筑设计类院校的48名学生参加。哈佛大学建筑系主任InakiAbalos教授,张永和教授,刘少瑜教授,WalterHaase 教授担任评委。 As the chief organizer and sponsor, Prof, Li Linxue got support from the leaders of Tongji University and CAUP. A total of 48 students from Harvard GSD, Stuttgart University, Milan Polytechnic University, Versailles School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Southeast University, Tianjin Universityand other domestic and international top architectural design colleges participated in this event.